Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekends are the Hardest...

Early January, I made this year the year I was going to get healthy. (who doesn't, right?) Starting off, over a year ago and I lost almost 20 pounds on Weight Watchers, but since I slacked off and have gained back everything plus about 5 pounds. Recently, WW changed their points system and made veggies and fruit free. I thought I would jump back on plan since they were starting fresh, I would too. Turns out, I was feeling like the new plan wasn't doing much for me.. and I wasn't losing weight. So now, I'm trying something new again.. Ive decided to quit WW and follow some an APP on my iPhone. Its called and Ive used the site before on-line, but having the app on my phone is so much better. It gives you your recommended daily Calories, Fat, Fiber, Carbs and Protein for the day and you stay within the average recommended intake. Not only am I doing the app, I signed up for the gym and have been going about 3X a week (1 day w/ a Personal Trainer) and every couple of weeks I'll do an AIRobics class on trampolines. Ive been doing great during the week with logging everything I eat and staying within my numbers but as soon as the weekend comes along I trip and fall. I ALWAYS over indulge on the weekend and I complete sabotage everything I worked for the week before. I feel so bad starting the next week knowing that I have to start over again and now I have to work 10x harder.-- I know its not like I cant ever have pasta or cake again-- I just don't fully know how have self control on weekends. Its so frustrating to do this every weekend but when I get a craving and I don't get to eat it, I kinda go a little nut-so..
And I totally applaud Jon. Since we both started eating healthier, he has lost about 12lbs, and I have maybe lost 2lbs(I obviously know why I didn't lose) I'm hoping me writing this down and having it out there will help motivate me. I need to do this, I know I will be a happier more fun loving me once all my icky weight is gone and I start living a healthier lifestyle.

Starting Weight:
162 Lbs
GOAL Weight: . 115lbs


Weekly Weight Check Ins:


Total Acutal Loss:
Loss Goal for Month: 8 lbs.

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