Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekends are the Hardest...

Early January, I made this year the year I was going to get healthy. (who doesn't, right?) Starting off, over a year ago and I lost almost 20 pounds on Weight Watchers, but since I slacked off and have gained back everything plus about 5 pounds. Recently, WW changed their points system and made veggies and fruit free. I thought I would jump back on plan since they were starting fresh, I would too. Turns out, I was feeling like the new plan wasn't doing much for me.. and I wasn't losing weight. So now, I'm trying something new again.. Ive decided to quit WW and follow some an APP on my iPhone. Its called and Ive used the site before on-line, but having the app on my phone is so much better. It gives you your recommended daily Calories, Fat, Fiber, Carbs and Protein for the day and you stay within the average recommended intake. Not only am I doing the app, I signed up for the gym and have been going about 3X a week (1 day w/ a Personal Trainer) and every couple of weeks I'll do an AIRobics class on trampolines. Ive been doing great during the week with logging everything I eat and staying within my numbers but as soon as the weekend comes along I trip and fall. I ALWAYS over indulge on the weekend and I complete sabotage everything I worked for the week before. I feel so bad starting the next week knowing that I have to start over again and now I have to work 10x harder.-- I know its not like I cant ever have pasta or cake again-- I just don't fully know how have self control on weekends. Its so frustrating to do this every weekend but when I get a craving and I don't get to eat it, I kinda go a little nut-so..
And I totally applaud Jon. Since we both started eating healthier, he has lost about 12lbs, and I have maybe lost 2lbs(I obviously know why I didn't lose) I'm hoping me writing this down and having it out there will help motivate me. I need to do this, I know I will be a happier more fun loving me once all my icky weight is gone and I start living a healthier lifestyle.

Starting Weight:
162 Lbs
GOAL Weight: . 115lbs


Weekly Weight Check Ins:


Total Acutal Loss:
Loss Goal for Month: 8 lbs.

Monday, February 7, 2011

So much has changed!

Wow.. 2010 came and went so fast and there are so many different exciting things that happened! My last post was in May, so I'll start there.

May: May was super exciting. Jon's family and I took a weeks trip to Cabo at the end of the Month. It is such a beautiful town in Mexico. I was strangely fascinated with all the cacti we came across. So interesting lol. We wen ATVing in a dried river bed, went to down town Cabo to take a boat ride to the famous point, and did a LOT of relaxing by the pool with an amazing view of the ocean. It was a great trip and I hope to do it again. :)

Also in May, my best friend from High school moved up to Seattle. It was really hard.. Even though we didn't see each other as much as I liked, the time we did hang was a blast. So, as a "Farewell and Happy Birthday" we did one of our road trips down to LA. We first stopped at Magic Mountain and then it was off to Disneyland to see our other friend Steve, who we try to see at least once a year down there. It was one hell of a trip and we always have a blast together. Lots of drinks and laughter! :)

June: June was a crazy month because it was the month I was hosting my sisters baby shower. Lots of planning and organizing of little things going on; guest list, making invitations, food, games, diaper cake, regular cake, decorations, goodies and so on. It was sure an experience but even though I was stressing like crazy at times, it was so worth it and I had a blast throwing it. I believe there was approximately 25 people who came. Both family and friends from near and far. It was a surprise for Kirsti because I wouldn't release the names of the people who were coming so it could be a shock to see everyone there and not knowing exactly who was going to be there.. Also, I got to repaint the baby room. It was hard to say goodbye to the little bugs on the wall I had painted previously but it was a fantastic new beginning for her family, I did a nautical theme with a boat, a little island and a whale. I couldn't wait for Logan to be there in his new little room. ;)

August: Early August Jon and I celebrated our 6 year Anniversary! We were so excited and couldn't believe how time flew by so fast. We celebrated our anniversary by going on a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean! We stopped at Princess Cays, St. Maartin, St. Thomas and Grand Turk. During our cruise we had a blast on and off the ship. One of our favorite days on the ship was a day that we were going through a tropical storm. We were out on the deck catching rays and along came some rain. Lots of people scattered for cover (why? we were all in our bathing suits!) and soon the rain ended. Several people flocked back to their chairs but not soon after another much larger rain storm came by. It DUMPED rain on us and EVERYONE ran for cover, except Jon and I. We had so much fun out on the deck, sipping our cocktails listening to the thunder and watching the lighting in the pouring rain completely drenched. It was an awesome day! Our other favorite day was our last stop, in Grand Turk. OMG, I have NEVER seen water more beautiful and clear in my life. On that excursion we took a boat ride out to one of their little islands and went snorkeling with wild stingrays. We got to feed them, and take pictures with them. Our tour guide also showed us how to get the conch out of the shell, and we even got to take a shell home! We had such a blast and made some great memories! :D

Mid August: August 18, Logan Henry Johnson was Born!!! My sister, Kirsti went into the hospital the night of August 17, 2010. She received an epidural and the next morning,I arrived with my parents and her father in law. About an hour or so after we arrived I got to witness Kirsti's water brake that was an experience all in itself. lol After that,things started to progress. Kirsti continued to progress and later on in the evening received more epidurals, and eventually the epidural wore off and she needed different medication. During the whole process I was pretty interested in her contractions. I loved watching them go up on the machine as they were happening. I would give her little warnings when it looked like one was coming even before she felt it. It got late into the evening and she had stopped progressing and because she had started a fever, Logan needed to be born.. now. I believe it was about 11:30ish on August 18th when Lance, my brother in law ran into the visitors room in a loud booming voice saying that Logan was here and he was perfect!. I couldn't wait to meet the little guy. Later on, we all got to go into the room and meet perfect little Logan.

September- November: Jon and I started looking into purchasing our own place. We did lots of research and found a couple places we really liked. 2 in Martinez and one in Pleasant Hill. It was so sad walking into several of these homes where prior homeowners had destroyed their properties because they had been forced to leave. We decided not to go with these because it would have cost way too much money to fix up. After going and actually looking at these places. We decided to jump on one Martinez Condo that felt like a place we could call home. The owner decided to except our offer and we were off to being future homeowners! It was a long and dreadful process, but in November 2010, we officially became homeowners in Martinez to a wonderful Condo!

Before Picture

After Picture

We are still in awe that after 6.5 years, that we are now homeowners together. It is so incredible to be able to be in the same home as my love, to be able to share things and work together as a team. I love my life right now and I wouldn't have it any other way! PS. Thanks to my Dad, our place looks BomB!!! Thanks Dad!!!